Interim Executive Expertise

Pragmatic Presents Interim Executive Expertise

In the recent past economic recession there has been a surplus of expert displaced talent that made it easy for companies to acquire. However, as the economy is accelerating and the job market has rebounded, it is getting more difficult to find experienced C-level talent. In fact, moving forward talent acquisition becomes more difficult and the process becomes even longer.

Likewise, many small to medium size firms do not have the resources for a full time executive level expert and the associated costs. This no longer means access to this level of talent is not available to you and your organization. A 2014 survey shows that over 60% of companies state that talent gaps are their primary business challenge. Today the number is even higher.

Pragmatic could be an affordable solution!

We can have experts in place in a timely and on an as needed basis in the following areas.

For more information on our Interim Services, please visit the contact page.